Fitchburg to hold Recovery Month Event
The City of Fitchburg Health Department invites the public to attend a “Recovery Day of Service” to be held on Saturday, September 30, at the Upper Common, Main Street, Fitchburg from 10am – Noon.
Mobilize Recovery Day brings together people from all walks of life to give back to their community – it is a day that recognizes the recovery community, recovery successes and the power of engagement. September 30th marks the culmination of National Recovery Month and coincides with International Recovery Day.
The event will include a speaking program. Resource tables representing many local providers will be available. The Fitchburg Health Department, an affiliate of the Commonwealth Naloxone Purchasing Program, will offer Narcan training and distribution. The Salvation Army canteen will be providing free refreshments.
The 2023 Service activity is Recovery Backpacks. We are collecting new items to fill backpacks at the event which will be given to those in need entering treatment. The backpacks have been generously donated by Community Health Connections.
Items needed include leggings, T-shirts, flip-flops, journals/notebooks and socks. Residents may drop off items at the purple collection bins located at the following sites:
City Hall lobby, 718 Main St, M-F 8:30-4:30
Community Health Connections ACTION, 130 Water Street, M-F 8-5
Fitchburg Comprehensive Treatment Center. 155 Airport Road, M-F 12-2
Restoration Recovery, 40 Fairmont Street, M-F 9-2