Two Free Adult Career Level Training Opportunity at Monty Tech

CTI-CNC-Operator-TrainingMonty Tech School District and MT Nites are the recipients of now THREE Workforce Development grants through the partnership of MassHire North Central Career Center, made possible by Commonwealth Corporation.

This Fall we are offering free training in the fields of CNC Operator and Culinary Arts to underemployed and unemployed MA residents, seeking a new start in their career. All participants will receive industry recognized credentials, full sets of tools & materials, hands-on training, and job placement assistance, all at NO COST.


  • must be a resident of Massachusetts;
  • CTI-Culinary-Trainingbe over the age of 18;
  • not currently attending high school;
  • must make less than $46,800 per year;
  • not already working in the field you wish to study, or have opportunity for growth in their industry (example: a server who wishes to move up to be a line cook); and
  • must be willing to go to work immediately upon graduation in the field that they trained in.

To Apply, please email