A&E Environmental Deep Cleaning
A&E Environmental wants to extend well wishes to our customers during this difficult pandemic our country and world is facing. A&E, with other purposes intended, had purchase Electrostatic sprayers to help eliminate mold in the air of a home or business after remediation to ensure a deeper clean. During this pandemic it was brought to our knowledge that our electrostatic cleaners are also highly used and valued to clean and sanitize surfaces better than traditional cleaning methods. Delta Airlines, Tufts Medical, and Schools are using our electrostatic machines to name a few. We want to provide this information to our valued customers below to inform each and every one of you that we can come to your home or business to help with a deeper clean/ sanitization. We are working right now with larger commercial cleaning companies who do not have access to this equipment. If you are interested please give us a call so we can make your home or business that much healthier.
As always, A&E is making your environment our #1 concern.
Please stay safe and WE ALL WILL get through this difficult time together.
*****Please see these links below for more information about our products*****
Pure Tabs-
Electro Static vs Traditional Sprayer