The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts Announces 2025 Activation Fund Grant Opportunity
The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts announced the opening of its 2025 Activation Fund grant opportunity, which provides capacity-building support for organizations working to address the community-identified health needs of Central Massachusetts residents and workers.
With grants typically ranging between $60,000 and $125,000, the Activation Fund supports discrete, one-year projects in Central Massachusetts aimed at helping organizations advance to their next level of capacity and effectiveness that can be sustained over time. The deadline for submission of a brief concept paper to express interest is Feb. 28. Organizations invited to apply will be notified in April so that they can submit full applications; final funding decisions will be made in late June so that projects can launch in July.
“Through the Activation Fund, we seek to offer grants that enable organizations to seize strategic opportunities for growth, address emerging challenges, purchase equipment, or improve facilities, thereby facilitating activities and outcomes beyond the status quo” said Dr. Amie Shei, President and CEO of the Foundation. “Over the past 25 years, nearly $12 million in Activation Fund grants has been awarded to 117 unique organizations with positive and lasting ripple effects on health throughout the region.”
Those interested in applying for an Activation Fund grant should visit the Foundation website at to access information on the application guidelines and register for a virtual information session to learn about the geographic focus and other eligibility requirements, types of support considered, and examples of previous grants.
Examples of 2024 grant recipients include Growing Places, which received a $110,000 grant for development of a customized IT solution to enhance efficiency and expand its capacity to serve local food consumers, buyers and small farmers in North Central Massachusetts, and Quinsigamond Community College, which received a $125,000 grant to replace outdated dental chairs and equipment stations at its Worcester-based dental clinic that prioritizes underserved patients.