ARC of opportunity/North Central Career Center April 17th job fair
The North Central Career Center and the Arc of Opportunity have partnered to organize a job fair on April 17, 2018, 4:30pm-6pm. The event is open to the public but will include job applicants with developmental disabilities. We recognize the benefits to businesses and to our economy of utilizing their talent, experience and skills.
Hiring employees with developmental disabilities has many advantages for the individuals, including: increased independence, the opportunity to contribute & achieve, develop skills & abilities and provide dignity & self-respect. In addition, the advantages to employers include high work attendance, dedication to their work, loyalty and hiring them can help you achieve your business objectives by investing in the local community and realizing corporate social responsibility goals.
We hope you can join us for the April 17th job fair at the Arc of Opportunity in Fitchburg. Job seekers with a wide range of experience and talent will be attending. The attached flyer has details on the date, time and cost to participate.