Marketing classes for the Center for Women and Enterprise in Worcester

Marketing classes for the Center for Women and Enterprise in Worcester, 50 Elm Street, Worcester. (women and men invited)

Each class is $20 per person (except for the Word Press, which is $50) and is presented from 4pm – 6pm.

Tuesday, September 22nd – The Importance of Networking and Creating an Effective Elevator Speech

Thursday, October 8th – Business Logo Basics – Creating Your Logo

Tuesday, October 13th – Your Business Brochure – What will you do with it? What do you expect it to do for you?

Tuesday, October 20th – Marketing on a Shoestring – Low-Cost/No-Cost Marketing Tools

Tuesday, October 27th – Word Press Website Basics – What you need to know to plan and launch a Word Press Website (This workshop will be presented with Geralyn Miller of Geralyn Miller Design, Littleton, MA)

Contact to register or call 508-363-2300.