Keneally Meets w/ Chamber Leaders
The Chamber closed out the summer by meeting with the state’s new Secretary of Housing and Economic Development on August 22. Taking the reins from Jay Ash earlier in the year, Secretary Michael Kennealy serves as the Commonwealth’s chief economic development officer. In this capacity, he oversees the Massachusetts Offices of Business Development; Travel and Tourism; and International Trade and Investment – to name just a few. As the region’s leading business and economic development organization, the Chamber convened the meeting to engage the new Secretary and highlight economic development priorities in North Central Massachusetts. A range of topics were discussed, including streamlined permitting, tourism promotion, workforce development, manufacturing, housing and the impact the state’s business assistance programs deliver.
“We value the partnerships that we have with Secretary Kennealy’s office and look forward to working collectively with him and his team in the future to grow the economy here in North Central Massachusetts.” said Roy Nascimento, President & CEO of the North Central Massachusetts Chamebr of Commerce. “This was a great opportunity to brief the new Secretary on the opportunities and challenges here in our dynamic region of the state.”
The Chamber and its affiliates have long maintained a strong relationship with the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. As the new Secretary moves ahead with efforts to expand the Commonwealth’s housing options and publish a new five year economic development plan, the Chamber will be sure to provide any assistance it can while advocating for the needs of local employers.
The Chamber wishes to thank Chamber member AIS, Inc. for hosting the meeting at their headquarters in Leominster.