Governor Charlie Baker to be Keynote Speaker at North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting and Business Luncheon for the North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce is scheduled for Thursday, June 15, 2017 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Great Wolf Lodge, 150 Great Wolf Drive, Fitchburg. Join other business and community leaders and attend the annual meeting to celebrate business people working together for the future of North Central Massachusetts. The program will include recognition awards and the commencement for the 2017 class of the Chamber’s Community Leadership Institute. Workers’ Credit Union is the premier sponsor of the 2017 Annual Business Meeting. Supporting sponsors include Apex Properties, Avidia Bank, Enterprise Bank, Fitchburg State University, Medical Arts Hearing Instruments, Mount Wachusett Community College and TD Bank.
This year’s keynote speaker is Governor Charlie Baker. Governor Charlie Baker was inaugurated as the 72nd Governor of Massachusetts on January 8, 2015. Since taking office, he has been making Massachusetts a great place to live, work and raise a family while delivering a customer-service oriented state government that is as hard working as the people of the Commonwealth. Governor Baker is now considered the most popular governor in the United States according to approval ratings.
Upon taking office, Governor Baker worked to close two budget gaps worth more than $2 billion without raising taxes, while bolstering local aid for our schools and communities, investing in a more reliable public transportation system and prioritizing funds to fight the opioid and heroin epidemic. Governor Baker has supported robust business sectors by reforming the Commonwealth’s regulatory environment, holding the line on taxes, and advancing efforts to rein in energy costs.
To register for the Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon, please contact the Chamber at 978.353.7600 ext. 222 or ext. 235 or email or register online at The cost is just $40 per person for members and $60 per person for non-members. Supporting sponsorships and tables of ten are also available. Please RSVP by June 8th.