Getting to Know Your Credit Scheduled for Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce will host its first “Getting to Know Your Credit” seminar on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Chamber’s headquarters located at 860 South Street, Fitchburg, MA. This free presentation is designed to help businesses owners understand their credit and its importance to running a small business. This seminar is sponsored and presented by Digital Federal Credit Union

Discussions will include: What is credit and how is it calculated? What is “good credit” versus “bad credit” and “good debt” versus “bad debt”? There is a mistake on your credit report, how do you get it removed? You don’t have a great credit history and want to make some changes, how do you remedy this? Your personal credit and business credit are linked, but how?

While the program is free, registration is recommended to prepare for all attendees arrival. Register online at Questions should be directed to Maria McCaffrey, events & programs manager, 978.353.7600 ext 235 or .