Envision John Fitch Highway Artwork Challenge: Redesigning John Fitch Highway – A Climate Resilient Corridor

The City of Fitchburg through the Department of Public Works is planning improvements to the John Fitch Highway (JFH) Corridor to increase climate resilience, mitigate flooding, and increase mobility. This is a unique opportunity to improve our public spaces by incorporating nature-based solutions (like rain gardens and tree planting) and elements of Complete Streets (such as shared use paths and improved crosswalks).

We are seeking input from the community to inform initial designs for the current project within the JFH roadway between Lunenburg Street and Summer StreetCommunity members are encouraged to share your vision for the JFH Corridor and the innovative ideas for making the area more climate resilient. Comments are being accepted now through March 12, 2021 at https://arcg.is/SqTn80. We want to hear from residents of all ages.

Community members can also get involved by submitting a creative piece to the Envision John Fitch Highway Artwork Challenge. Show us what improvements you want to see in the Corridor to reduce flooding, make it greener, and improve bike and pedestrian access! Artwork submissions can be hand-made or computer-generated (full submission guidelines can be found here). Submit by March 12 to be entered into the Artwork Challenge! A winner will be selected within categories divided by age and medium to receive a prize. For more information please visit:  www.FitchburgMA.gov/JFHProject

We will announce the winners of the Artwork Challenge at a virtual event later this spring. Watch the City’s website and social media accounts for updates on future events and engagement activities.

Mitigating flooding of Baker Brook into JFH was a top priority in the City’s 2020 and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) and Hazard Mitigation PlanThe initial design phase is funded by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs MVP Action Grant Program.

Spanish versions available for comment and submission forms. For questions regarding this project, contact the Department of Public Works Engineering Department: 978-829-1915 or email .