Educational Programs Scheduled for Manufacturers
The Devens Eco-Efficiency Center announces a calendar of educational programs that can help area manufacturers strengthen operational processes. The non-profit’s EHS Roundtable is a forum where area professionals with environmental, health, and/or safety related responsibilities learn from guest speakers, share best practices, discuss challenges, exchange resources, and build partnerships.
Confirmed topics for the monthly meeting include:
OSHA Inspections – Be Prepared, November 3: Area Director for OSHA Hartford, CT, Paul Mangiafico will present what an employer can expect from an OSHA inspection, how and why OSHA targets facilities, the Compliance Officer’s scope, citation process, updated OSHA penalty structure, and process to contest.
Worst Plant Tour, December 1: Corey Briggs from Ramboll Environ will guide participants thorough a virtual tour of the worst plant, using digital renderings of real-world EHS compliance issues. This presentation will provide insight to dangers that can happen in your facility.
Let’s Fix This, January 12: Participants will share and collaborate on environmental, health and safety challenges in their facilities. This will be a great opportunity to network and interact with local peers.
Electrical Safety, February 2: Dean Vanasse, President of Boston Safety Training will address arc flash and basic electrical safety for employees.
Energy Conservation, Efficiency Strategies, March 2: Dr. Beka Kosanovic from UMASS Amherst’s Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy will speak on common energy efficiency opportunities and steps to conserve energy in manufacturing facilities and review the free services the Center provides.
The EHS Roundtable has been benefiting businesses throughout Central Massachusetts since 2008 by providing a unique opportunity to learn and network with local colleagues. Meetings take place 8:00-9:30a at 33 Andrews Parkway, Devens. Registration is $30 for non-members; refreshments are served. To RSVP, visit or contact Tracy Pierce at or 978-772-8831.
The Devens Eco-Efficiency Center helps commercial, industrial and service establishments make better use of natural, material, human and economic resources. To learn more about this 10 year old non-profit visit