COVID Update: Coronavirus Operating Rules Tightened Starting Saturday
Today at 1:00pm, Governor Baker and Lt. Governor Polito announced updates to gathering sizes and capacity levels across a series of industries in order to prevent the continued spread of COVID-19. The measures announced today will go into effect on Saturday, December 26 and will remain in effect until Sunday, January 10, unless the data at that time indicates a further need to extend.
Effective, December 26, the following industries must reduce capacity to 25% from their current capacity levels:
Sector Revised Capacity Limits†
Gatherings (adjusting Order No. 57)
10 persons indoors
25 persons outdoors
applies to both private homes and event venues and public spaces
Restaurants – 25% of seating capacity
(a) workers/staff excluded from occupancy count;
(b) applies separately to indoor and outdoor capacity
Close Contact Personal Services – 25%
workers/staff excluded from occupancy count
Indoor and Outdoor Events
10 persons indoors
25 persons outdoors
workers/staff excluded from occupancy count
Theaters and Performance Venues
(Indoor performance venues remain closed)
Movie theaters – 25% and maximum 50 people
Outdoor performance venues – 25% and maximum 25 people
Casinos – 25%
MGC to re-issue capacity rules as necessary
Office Spaces – 25%
Places of Worship – 25%
workers/staff excluded from occupancy count
Retail Businesses – 25%
workers/staff excluded from occupancy count
Driving and Flight Schools – 25%
Golf Facilities – 25%
applies only to indoor spaces
Libraries – 25%
Operators of Lodgings – 25%
applies only to common areas
Arcades & Other Indoor & Outdoor Recreation Businesses – 25%
Fitness Centers and Health Clubs – 25%
Museums / Cultural & Historical Facilities / Guided Tours by vehicles and vessels- 25%
Sectors Not Otherwise Addressed – 25%
Areas in facilities subject to EEA-issued COVID-19 safety rules – 25%
applies only to indoor spaces and excludes youth and amateur sports facilities
Hospitals should postpone non-essential, elective, invasive procedures unless delaying would lead to high risk or serious decline in patient’s health
Ambulatory, outpatient treatment, Preventive, inpatient and emergency services will not be affected and remain open.
†General Provision: Where no licensed or permitted capacity allowance is on record and for any enclosed space within a larger facility, occupancy shall be limited to no more than 5 persons per 1,000 square feet.
The 25% capacity limit will not apply to manufacturing, laboratories, drive in movie theaters, and construction. We will continue to monitor the data over the next two weeks. For further information please visit and please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.