A Message From the Chamber - North Central Massachusetts Flooding

A Message From the Chamber

Following yesterday’s historic floods affecting the City of Leominster and surrounding communities, the North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce and its affiliate organizations stand ready to assist local businesses now, and in the days to come, as recovery efforts continue. Our commitment to serve our communities of North Central Massachusetts in any capacity remains unwavering. We have established a dedicated email hotline – – for businesses to contact us for assistance. This special inbox will be monitored by Chamber staff. We urge businesses to contact us with requests for immediate assistance and pledge to respond to all emails as quickly as possible. If we are unable to help, then we will try to connect you with someone who can. We have been in contact with local officials and will be sharing regular information updates on response and recovery from the floods across our communications channels. We are also working to establish an Emergency Loan Program to enable local small businesses to access critical funds to help in the recovery process.

In light of current circumstances, we are rescheduling this afternoon’s scheduled Chamber of the Year celebration so that we can focus all our resources on helping our members through these difficult times. When the time is appropriate for us to recognize this award, we will do so. But, for now, our focus is on you, our members, friends, family, and neighbors as we show how this already strong region is made even stronger by our shared support of each other.


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