Theatre at the Mount AUDITIONS – WE WILL ROCK YOU





WE WILL ROCK YOU takes place in a future age on a planet once called Earth that is now controlled by a mighty corporation … rock music is unheard and all musical instruments are banned. The hope of breaking free rests with an unlikely resistance – an alliance of rebel Bohemians. The show features many of Queen’s chart topping hits including “We Will Rock You,” “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Radio Gaga,” “Another One Bites the Dust,” “We are the Champions,” and more. It’s the world champion of musicals and the show that rocks harder than any other, so don’t miss the party!


Director – David Allen Prescott

Music Director – David Twiss

Choreographer – Kim Corbett


CAST REQUIREMENTS – large cast of 30 – 40 adults and teens





Where? Mount Wachusett Community College, room 182

When? Monday, May 21 and Tuesday, May 22 at 7PM


No appointment needed – punctuality will be noted and appreciated


Performance Dates: August 10, 11, 17, 18 at 8:00pm; August 19 at 2:00pm


Tentative Rehearsal Schedule: Sundays from 6PM to 9PM; Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7PM to 10PM





For the auditions all should:

  1. Prepare a short pop/rock vocal selection that displays range and ability preferably from the show (score will be available). Sheet music required if you decide to do a song not from the show. An accompanist will be provided.
  2. Wear comfortable clothing for a movement/dance audition.





GALILEO (Male) A misfit who keeps hearing strange voices and songs in his head which deliver messages he can’t understand. Galileo won’t dress like a Ga Ga kid and has been caught trying to make music. He is confused and unaware that he is the one the Bohemians have been waiting for, who will lead them to the place where the last remaining live instruments have lain hidden for hundreds of years.


SCARAMOUCHE (Female) Another misfit who also gets into trouble with the Secret Police, Scaramouche meets Galileo in hospital and they run away together. Her sharp wit keeps Galileo on his toes and gradually they fall for each other.


KILLER QUEEN (Female) Killer Queen is a ruthless businesswoman and is in charge of Global Soft, the worldwide corporation which is responsible for the suppression of all live music. She’s power crazy and tough, as well as beautiful.


KHASHOGGI (Male) He works for Killer Queen, getting rid of any original or creative musical thoughts and going after the Bohemians. His victims are sent to the Seven Seas of Rhye.


SECRET POLICE (Male and/or Female) These semi-automated characters carry out the bidding of the Killer Queen and Khashoggi.


GA GA KIDS/TEEN QUEENS (Male and Female) Living in a world of consumerism and downloadable music, the Ga Ga kids don’t notice their own soulless-ness.


BUDDY (Male) Buddy is an old librarian and a hippy who has studied the sacred musical texts to the extent that even the Seven Seas of Rhye cannot entirely erase them from his mind. He’s a comic character who acts as a foil to Galileo and Scaramouche towards the end of the play.


THE BOHEMIANS (Male and Female) A group of rebels, determined to fight against Global Soft and its downloadable music. Their base is Tottenham Court Road Tube station, and they have taken the names of musical heroes from the past, such as Paul McCartney, Cliff Richard, and Britney.


BRIT (Male) and OZ (Female) Two of the Bohemians who are intent on discovering the secrets of live music, and who believe that someone will come who will show the Bohemians the way. When they find Scaramouche and Galileo they are unsure at first, but are eventually persuaded that Galileo really does have strange musical lyrics in his head over which he has no control. When the Secret Police attack the Bohemian hide out, Brit is killed and Oz is captured along with the other Bohemians.


SUPER YUPPIES (Male and Female)


TEACHER (Female)


DOCTORS (Male and Female)




For more information contact Professor Gail Steele at 978 630-9162 or at