Send us your news!

We want to hear about the great things happening with our members. Have you hired any new employees? Have you expanded? Has your business celebrated a new milestone or received an award?  Do you have a special event coming up? Have you supported a local community group?

Send us your announcements, news, events and press releases and we will post it in our members news section and share it on our social media. This is one of the many great perks that we offer members. The Chamber has a high-traffic website and strong social media presence. Our social media channels boast over 20,000 total followers and garners an average of 167,365 impressions monthly and over 2 million impressions annually. The Chamber’s multiple websites have become a go-to resource for local stakeholders, business professionals, elected officials, visitors and groups in our region, averaging 10,000 monthly pageviews.

If you want to increase your exposure, send all business news and events to .