It’s lonely at the top! When you’re the CEO, you have no one to talk to about the many challenges of running and growing your company. As the CEO you have no peers in your organization and everyone expects you to have all the answers. Are you looking for an opportunity to connect with other key decision makers of manufacturing related businesses in North Central Massachusetts and talk about intimate business issues? Are you craving a small network of peers that you can turn to for on-going, confidential advice on increasing profitability, succession planning, leadership, employee management, marketing, and the many other issues that you deal with on a daily basis?
The goal of the North Central CEO Manufacturers Roundtable is to provide valuable peer-to-peer advice and networking among local manufacturing leaders that will help them grow their businesses.
How it works?
The roundtable is modeled on similar CEO peer-to-peer groups operating successfully throughout the country, but customized for medium sized manufacturing related businesses in our region. The group is limited to 8-12 CEOs, presidents or primary decision makers from non-competing manufacturing companies. Members of the roundtable meet monthly to seek and provide business advice, and help each other improve the quality of their business decisions. The meetings are controlled by participants. Participating CEOs decide on the agenda for the meetings, structure, the location and time of the monthly meetings and even who should be allowed into group. No competitors are permitted within the group. A facilitator will help keep the meetings on track, assists in guiding the discussions and finding outside speakers when the group wants to bring in outside experts for advice on an issue. The CEO Manufacturers Roundtable program is not intended to provide sales leads. Ideal candidates for the program should:
· Lead companies with minimum sales revenues of approximately $500,000 and a maximum of approximately $25,000,000.
· Lead companies located within the twenty-seven communities of North Central Massachusetts that employ a minimum of four employees.
· Commit to attend the meetings on time.
· Agree to be honest and accountable to the group.
The process of being accepted for this group will be selective (only those that could truly benefit will be selected.) The annual cost is $500 for Chamber members and $750 for non-members.
Why meet with other Manufacturing CEOs?
The benefits of belonging to the North Central Massachusetts CEO Manufacturers Group include:
· Exposure to a group of like-minded CEOs who can grow to become trusted advisors, friends and teachers, an alternative form of executive development via frank, honest advice about best practices.
· Access to information on a variety of topics integral to managing your company from experts and thought leaders.
· Confidential insight and outside perspective on your management decisions and decision making.