Cards For Caring Initiative Returns In Collaboration With Lori Trahan and Jim McGovern
Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts (ASNCM) is pleased to announce the return of the Cards for Caring imitative for the holiday season.
In collaboration with Congresswoman Lori Trahan and Congressman Jim McGovern, ASNCM will reach across the 21 communities in North Central Massachusetts to gather warm holiday greeting cards made by individuals which will then be distributed to the aging community throughout the region who may be living in isolation during the holiday season.
“The progress we’ve made over the past twelve months in the fight against COVID-19 is a testament to everyone who took the virus seriously. It also means that for many, the holidays will be spent with loved ones – safely,” said Congresswoman Trahan. “As we prepare for the holidays, I’m thrilled to partner once again with Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts and Congressman McGovern for our Cards for Caring Initiative. This important program will help us spread holiday cheer while also continuing to prioritize the safety of everyone in our community. I hope folks will join us again this year by submitting a personal, handwritten card as a small way to spread some joy this holiday season.”
“The COVID pandemic has reminded us how a single act of kindness can mean the world to someone. Cards for Caring is connection in action,” said Congressman Jim McGovern. “Taking a little time to send a greeting card can have a big impact by making sure no one spends this holiday season feeling alone.”
“Last year we spread holiday wishes to over seven hundred individuals. We hope to reach more this year. We will not meet the person who receives the card. But we do know everyone is on their own journey. The journey may include loneliness, grieving from the loss of a loved one, suffering from declining health, struggling with financial issues or uncertainty as to what tomorrow will bring. We do know that we are a caring community. For a moment as a card is opened, I hope there is a true feeling of being a part of a community that truly cares. ASNCM is grateful to partner with Congresswoman Trahan and Congressman McGovern and our entire community to make a positive difference one person at a time, one card at a time”, stated Lori A. Richardson, Chief Executive Officer at Aging Services at North Central Massachusetts.
Outreach and coordination have also begun with the region’s superintendents of schools as students are more than welcome to participate in this very thoughtful campaign.
Members of the community are invited to drop cards in unsealed envelopes at a drop box located at Aging Services of North Central Massachusetts, 680 Mechanic Street in Leominster, MA, by Friday, December 11, 2021.
Business or community members interested in learning more about ASNCM’s Cards for Caring campaign should visit or contact David Ginisi, Chief Marketing Officer, at (978) 466-1571 or via email at .